Saturday, September 28, 2013

My Communication Skills

After looking at the results of my own assessment on myself as a communicator and my mother's and colleague's view, I noticed some similarities and differences between how I evaluated myself as a communicator and how others evaluated me. The one thing that surprised me the most was my mom and good friend/colleague thought I was a mildly anxious communicator and I believe I am moderately anxious. This must be because they believe because I am a teacher, they assume I am comfortable with speaking in front of groups of people, which I'm not. I enjoy teaching young children, but still get nervous at the beginning of every year when I'm getting to know my students. But most of my anxiety is communicating with adults. My least favorite day of the year is our first 1/2 day of school when I have to talk in front of all the parents and my students to introduce myself, discuss classroom and school rules/procedures. I feel adults are more critical of my communication skills than children.

I also learned that my mom, colleague and myself see me as a people-oriented listener. I want others to end their conversation with me, leaving happier or feeling better than they did before. I find myself "beating myself up" over something I may have said that the other person took wrong, or maybe my words didn't come out right a lot. I believe that is why I tend to be more on the shy side, because I always worry about how other's feel and don't want to make them feel bad. The only time I cut people off in mid-convo is when I have to go pick up my students from specials or lunch and I apologize when I do that but they understand that I can't be late b/c it affects the rest of the school if I don't pick my kids up on time.

When it comes to verbal aggression, I tend to be moderate in this area. ONLY when someone instigates it. I am very calm and happy person. But if someone says something ugly about me or someone I love, I will stand up for myself/them. I tend to keep quiet on any political issues because it does cause me to anxiety to get upset so I just stay out of it. I don't read message boards/comments on Facebook that are public because there area always the people out there who are bullies and it just gets me really upset. So I avoid confrontation when possible. But when it comes to doing what is right for children, I WILL stand up and let me voice be heard.


  1. Hello Jessica

    Moments when I have been verbally aggressive where on occasions when I become mother bear protecting her cubs. But many moms tend to be that way with their children. On political views it is sooooo hard not to get involved in heated debates. I feel it is only because many of us have such strong and different views it is hard to listen. No matter how hard you want to stand and be heard there is always someone else just a bit more louder.
    Great post!

  2. Jessica, I feel the same way that you do. I am a teacher yes, but I more comfortable speaking with my children than I am their parents or even in a meeting with my colleagues. I tend to get intimidated quickly and have a difficult time finding the right words to say. Working in the early education means that I am going to have to speak to both parents and my colleagues on a daily basis. So, i try and think about what I am going to say in advance so I can become more relaxed when speaking. I review things with myself before I start any communication with larger groups, it tends to help a little and over time I have seen myself improving slowly but surely.

  3. So many of us get nervous the first day/week of school because we know this sets the stage for what is to come the remainder of the school year. Their scores must mean that you show way more confidence then what you feel, which is a great trait to have as a teacher. I think it is great that your school has a day where parents can come in an you explain your classroom and the rules. Parents are always going to be judgmental but it's all in proving to them throughout the year that you are there for the education of their child and they can watch how much their child grows from your great teaching skills.
