Friday, September 6, 2013

Competent Communication

The first person that comes to mind that has competent communication in the education field would be my principal at the school I work at. She exhibits truthfulness, accuracy, honesty, and reason (O'Hair & Wiemann, 2012). She listens and is willing to learn from others (O'Hair & Wiemann, 2012). She strives to understand and respect those who she is communicating with before responding to their message (O'Hair & Wiemann, 2012. She is strongly committed to the courageous expression of personal convictions in pursuit of fairness and justice (O'Hair & Wiemann, 2012).
The different modes of communication
This woman is amazing. She has taken a low-performing Title 1 school and helped make it to the top 5% in academic gains last school year in the state of Tennessee. We also found out that we are 1 of 3 schools that are in the running for a huge award for the entire state for our huge academic gains. She is the definition of someone who is an effective communicator by meeting goals (O'Hair & Wiemann, 2012).

She has inspired the many teachers that work at our school to help our students reach goals that to others, may have seemed impossible. She is well-respected in my school system based on her professionalism and effective communication skills. I am striving to learn how to model my own communication behaviors after her, so that I can become a more effective teacher for my kindergarteners and their families.

O'Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. (2012). Real communication: An introduction. New York: Bedford/St.Martin's.


  1. People who inspire us do so through effective communication. It is so nice that you have such a great role model and leader to emulate. I think we learn so much from the people around us. Life is a learning experience, and communication is the means by which we experience it.

  2. Hi Jessica. Wow, your principal surely is more dedicated in promoting academic scores, but an inspiration for many. Here in Va., we rarely hear about Principals and their ambition to help others, especially children. Virginia is ranked one of the highest in educational standards and test scores, but lately on the news, it’s mostly about budget costs, raising school hours and cutting teachers’ pays. I guess the only way they communicate is by having meetings from different school districts and it’s a no-win situation. Fantastic post, Jessica…

  3. Hello Jessica

    It is always great to know that there is someone whose dedication and hard work pays off. She definitely sounds like a person who truly loves what she does and shares that devotion with everyone around her.

  4. Such dedication is an inspiration. I love you story. It is very inspiring. I am glad to hear that you have such as wonderful communicator as the head of your school. It seems as if her communication skills helps many of the children, parents, and staff to achieve both academic and personal goals. I also believe that professionalism is another major aspect of effective communication. I love your pictures that you posted especially the 10 levels of intimacy in today's communication. Great post! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Hi Jessica!
    Great post. I am always encouraged when I hear of people like your Principal who is willing to go the extra mile to help children and families. I would bet that her great communication skills have a lot to do with why she is so successful. You are lucky to have such a great mentor and role model in your professional arena. Thanks for sharing!

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