Friday, July 12, 2013

My Family Culture

If my family was forced to evacuate the U.S. due to a catastrophe and we wouldn't be able to return and could only bring three items that represented my family culture, I would bring:

My Bible

If I witnessed or was a victim of a catastrophic event, I would need some comforting words to help me emotionally get through that experience. Growing up in a Christian home, I believe the Bible is full of comforting words that have personally gotten me through some of the toughest times of my life. My mother got me my bible when I turned 18 to remind me that even though I was legally an adult, to remember the values and beliefs I was raised with. She had it engraved with my name and it is so beautiful.

My Grandmother's wedding ring

My grandmother was the closest person I have loved to pass away. She died when I was 16 after a long battle with cancer of the blood. I have many wonderful memories with my Grandma as a child, including tea parties, playing board and card games, making home-made playdoh, reading books at the library and so much more. When we arrived at Grandma's, she would open her arms as wide as she could and give us the best hugs! My brother, sisters and I were her whole world. And when she passed, it was a very hard time for all of us. Almost 10 years after her death, my grandpa gave my sisters and I each a little box with a piece of Grandma's jewelry in it. He had us pick the box, not knowing what was inside it. When I opened mine, and saw the ring, I began to cry like a baby and asked him "Is this her wedding ring?" And he said yes. I ran up and gave him a hug and told him I would wear it constantly and take good care of it. That is the most valuable (sentimental, not financially) item I own and would be devastated to ever lose it. 

A photo album containing my most treasured photographs
In this photo album, I would want pictures of my family and friends from some of my favorite memories: such as my childhood, birthdays,  my high school and college graduations, my sister's wedding and my brother's weddings, the birth of my first niece and a few random memories that were special to me. My family values each other and we are very close. These photos would help me remember all the good times we had growing up in the States and be able to show my niece when she was older.

Here are "just a few" that would be in that album...

When my niece was born she spent a week in the NICU...
The VERY first time I got to hold my niece! I was so happy!
Every 4th of July my sisters would help Grandma make this American Flag jello cake! =)
My sisters and I with my niece on Thanksgiving 2012
My awesome kindergarten team at Panama City Beach on vacation together for fall break 2012
My sister and I's first day of Kindergarten! (We are Irish twins.) 
Making silly faces with my mom and brother 
Looking at a family photo album with both my grandmas! 
My mom made this Hawaiian themed dinner that I still remember to this day!
At my high school graduation, one of the happiest days of my life! =)
Loving on my big brother! <3
Me and my best friend enjoying some hot chocolate while going Christmas shopping
My niece on her 1st birthday! 
Me, giving my mom kisses as a toddler!
My mom, sisters and I at Niagara Falls ( I want to go back as an adult!)
Me, my sisters and just "a few" of my cousins... I have over 30 on my mom's side of the family. 
Giving my baby sister life lessons at the age of 2!  (I think this is hilarious!)

Now, if I arrived to the country where we would have to live and were told that I could only keep one personal item and have to give up the other two items you brought with you I would be devastated! I don't think I could choose. I am such a sentimental person that my heart would break giving up any three of these items. My bible could technically be replaced, but the sentiment that came with it could not. My grandmother's wedding ring could never be replaced and I would feel like I would lose a part of her if that ring was taken away. And the pictures- anyone who knows me knows how much I love my photos! I really need to get some fire proof containers to put them in now that I think about it!

So honestly, I don't know which one I would choose and I truly hope I never have to!

I have realized through this exercise, how sentimental I am when it comes to my family and friends. My most treasured items are ones that have meaning and sentiment behind them. I still have teddy bears given to me by my grandparents and parents at specific times in my life, such as when I got my tonsils out and woke up terrified and not knowing where I was. But I had this cute little teddy bear in a pink dress and bonnet to comfort me. I also have a teddy bear that is so soft given to me by my dad when I had to stay home from school one day b/c I was really sick. I couldn't bear to give those items up, but every other toy I owned was given away by the time I was an adult. My family truly means a lot to me as well as my friends. I wouldn't trade them for anything else in the world. 

Looking forward to hearing everyone else's responses this week! Hope you all enjoy your weekend!



  1. Jessica,
    You seemed to be a very sentimental person my the pictures and reading your blog. I was in tears reading how your grandfather gave you and your sister that special gift from your grandmother. I think that it was an awesome gift that you will treasure forever. I believe everybody have a family bible that they treasure. Do you believe that it's a cultural item that people treasure from family to family. It appears your grandmother was dear to your heart and that you have memories that you will carry forever. I love the pictures.

    1. Thank you for your kind words Yvette!!! I think a lot of families do have a family bible that they treasure, but not all. (meaning- people of different religions/beliefs) So I think that is part of our culture. If a person does believe in the gospel, then yes, that person might have a bible that has sentimental value. =) And Yes- I still cry at times when I think about how much I miss my grandma! She was such a special lady!

  2. Jessica,

    I am not that'sentimental' as you, but I can understand why you cannot choose one out of those three items. For me, things are all kept like a video in my memory, so if a must, I will not be so bothered to lose them. However, your idea about the photo album is the same item that I also have chosen, so I can really feel and imagine how if I have to lose it. Nice photos!!!

    1. Brigitte- I completely understand it being hard for anyone to give up everything but one item from their entire life. Thanks for the kind comment! =)

  3. Hello Jessica,
    I think everyone in our class can all agree that this assignment was both joyous and difficult. Writing about our families and remembering them can all put a big smile on our faces, but having to choose one and disregard the others is a decision that would be too difficult to even try. Your pictures are beautiful and I loved your story about the ring.


    1. Ivelissa,
      I completely agree with your statement! I pray that we never have to make that choice! Thank you for your kind words!
