Saturday, June 29, 2013

What I have learned about Research

When I first started this course, I was nervous about what it would entail. When I would read a research article, the majority of it would sound like a foreign language to me. I love how this course broke it down so I can understand research in the early childhood field. I am amazed at the vocabulary I have learned throughout this course. The Understanding Research Chart assignments have helped me truly understand the meaning of terms used often in research and how it is used in context. I've also learned about the different methods of research, how to make sure it is valid and challenges to keep in mind to rid any biases from the research. These have all eased my mind when reading research articles and also in the planning and the process of conducting research.

When planning, designing, and conducting research with children it is good practice to get consent from the child when they are participating in research. Also, as an early childhood educator, I am mandated to report any suspicions of child abuse and would need to make sure I make that clear with any participants before getting their consent to participate in a research study that I would be conducting. I found it challenging to understand some of the readings in the text, but with the use of the glossary and internet, it helped me understand the new vocabulary better.

This course has helped my perceptions of an early childhood professional in that research is a huge part of the early childhood field. Without research, we wouldn't know how children learn, how to modify children's behavior and so much more. I have enjoyed learning about research and how it is done in the early childhood field and look forward to reading more research in the years to come.

I have enjoyed reading my colleagues blog and discussion posts throughout this course. Thank you to all who have commented!



  1. Jessica, we have come to the end of this course, and for sure I have learnt a lot about research. This was acquired via my colleagues, and also conducting my own research.

    This course has provided greater personal insight, which assisted me in learning more about the future. By understanding research, I am better prepared when I'm faced with issues associated with the early childhood field. From researching, we can use the information attain to back us up in decision making.


  2. Jessica,
    You are not alone in your initial feelings of research. I was nervous too! I had done research projects and papers in the past but never enjoyed them! During this class, my eyes have opened to a whole world when it comes to research. I do get a dreaded feeling when I see the word research. I also enjoyed the vocabulary charts that we were given every week. It really helped me to understand the words and resources better. Thanks for your post and all of the encouragement you have given as a classmate!
