Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sharing Web Resources

First off, I want to apologize for my late posting this evening! I usually try to get my work done in the morning, but found out yesterday afternoon that my Grandpappy passed away so I've had a hard time concentrating on my school work. But I finally got some motivation to finish it tonight, so here we go! 

While searching through the Pre-K website, I found an article that was relevant to looking through an economists eyes at the benefits of early childhood education. According to Albert Wat (2007), the Pre-K now’s research on several high-quality pre-k programs (for children ages 3 to 4) have confirmed that children who attend high-quality pre-k are more likely to graduate from high school and acquire secondary education. Pre-K now’s research also validates that a more educated workforce increases a nation’s productivity. Pre-K Now’s research concentrated on early childhood education’s impact on the nation’s macroeconomic growth and provides reasoning for growth in investing in nationwide Pre-K programs.  Through studying the research done by Pre-K Now and really focusing on how economists view the importance and value of Pre-K programs, I just wonder what it will take for our society and government to take action and make it available for ALL children. Also in the article by Wat (2007) he mapped out the lifetime benefits of Pre-K.

Some examples are:

Education Impacts
  • Lower special education
  • Lower grade retention
  • Increased high school completion
  • Increased test scores
Social & Emotional Impacts
  • Fewer behavioral problems
  • More self control
  • Improved peer relationships
Economy Impacts
  • Increased Earnings & Tax Revenues
  • Decreased Reliance on Social Services/Welfare
  • Decreased Criminal Activity
Child Well Being
  • Less child abuse, neglect, and maltreatment 
Improved Health Behaviors
  • Less Reliance on Health Services
  • Better Health Outcomes
More Skilled Workforce
  • Increased Productivity
  • Higher employment
  • Higher earnings

A new insights about issues and trends in the early childhood field that I have gained from exploring the Pre-K website is that with the ongoing research and studies being done in our field, other professionals in varying fields are starting to see the importance and value of what we do. It makes me feel proud to be part of something that even thought we don’t get the recognition and appreciation we deserve, that I know I am doing something important and making a different for every child that walks into my classroom door.


Wat, A. (2007). Dollars and Sense: A Review of Economic Analyses of Pre-K. Pre-K Now.


  1. Jessica,
    This is an exciting time in the early childhood field. I am so glad that there is so much research going on that more and more people are understanding the importance of early childhood professionals. Thank you for your post, and I am truly sorry for your loss, I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

  2. Jessica- I just wanted to offer my condolences to you and your family. I'm so sorry for your loss. Stay strong and know that along with family and friends, your colleagues are here to support you as well. All my best <3
