Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sharing Web Resources

Pre-K Now believes that the success of public education begins in Pre-K.  In 2001, they began a campaign to encourage more states to invest in high-quality Pre-K programs. In 10 years, the amount of state investment has increased over 50%. The Pre-K Now campaign ended in 2011, but left with a challenge for all policy makers to move away from our current K-12 public school system to a Pre-K-12 one. 

Here is a short video giving an overview of their campaign...

 There are two current issues in the field that I am facing in my own career that has been unintentionally left out of our course due to the time constraints. As a kindergarten teacher, I am implementing the new Common Core standards this year. These standards have changed the expectations for what children must know when entering and "graduating" kindergarten. This means, that the early learning standards must change to align with our new common core standards. I also believe with the amount of knowledge my students must know before leaving, they would be more successful if they had exposure to letters, numbers, reading, cooperating with others, following directions, and listening to a teacher in a pre-k class. This is why I chose the Pre-K now campaign because I am a huge advocate for their focus and goals.

Looking at a graphic of data that shows the increase of investments in Pre-K by state, I was disappointed in Tennessee's growth (my home state). Click HERE to see the visual and see how your home state has grown. I was happy to see that they more than doubled their investments, but I don't feel that it's where it needs to be. For example, in my school district, ONLY qualifying families (low-income) may enter the public school pre-k system. It is my belief that EVERY child should be given the opportunity for public school pre-k. Our pre-k teacher at my school is WONDERFUL and prepares her students for kindergarten. Every year they are my highest students and are reading. Imagine how far I could take my students if they ALL came prepared to kindergarten! The possibilities are endless! 

Every being in my body wishes that this campaign was still alive so that I could become a Pre-K now advocate! I love everything I have read about this campaign and it is my hope that I can aid in the education to the country that Pre-K is as important as Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade when it comes to education!

1 comment:

  1. Jessica, I often learn new things from your posting. Keep up your good work. I enjoyed the video. For sure, early childhood is an exciting period of learning and development. The preschool has recognized and value, as well as draw on the children's cultural background to design and implement learning activities.
