Saturday, April 26, 2014

Reflecting on Learning

I apologize for my late post this evening. My family threw me a surprise birthday party today (I have never felt so loved!) and I am just now settling down for bed and was thankful to remember to post before I hit the hay!

My most passionate hope for my future as an early childhood professional is that I am able to teach my students to be accepting of all people, no matter how different they may be. I hope to exude acceptance and tolerance so that I can model it for the children. I also hope that I am able to work with all the families involved with my students lives in order to help their child reach their highest potential academically and in their identity development. 

As we near the end of grad school, I am excited for all that I have learned in the past year and a half. I am so glad I have been able to put in practice what I have been learning and look forward to continuing my anti-bias work in the early childhood for many years to come.

I want to thank all my colleagues for sharing your views, experiences and comments in regards to your own anti-bias journey. I wish you the best in all your future endeavors!



  1. Jessica,

    Happy birthday! I love the goal of teaching your students to be accepting of all people and I think you are on the road to doing so. Good luck in your final class and I hope to connect with you in the future!

    Tara Fleishman

  2. Jessica, I have also been applying what I am learning from this course in the classroom, and it has been great! I am so excited about being more effective in social change for young children.
    Thank you for your discussions, and blogs.
