Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What I Have Learned

It is my hope that as a professional in the early childhood field working with children and families who come from diverse backgrounds, I will become a better anti-bias educator who will affect children and families in a positive way by helping them becoming confident in who they are and where they come from.

My goal for the early childhood field related to issues of diversity, equity, and social justice is that I share my journey with my colleagues in hope that they too will begin to think about their biases they hold so they can also join me in the journey of becoming an anti-bias educator.

Thank you so much to my colleagues for your kind words, encouragement and also sharing your own journeys with me. I have enjoyed this course and learned some important lessons that will stick with my throughout my teaching career. Good luck to you all as we are nearing end of our time here at Walden! I'm so thankful for you all!


  1. Jessica,

    I have enjoyed learning with you and from you. You set a great goal for the field and one I think we can attain if we all work together. I also really like your hope and share the same hope as you.


  2. Jessica,
    Thank you for sharing your hopes and goals. Anti-bias education is very important in child development. As a result, I wish you the best on your education and professional goals.

  3. Jessica,
    I agree that sharing our story of our journey through anti-bias education is a great way to help change the stereotypical think of today's society. As we educate ourselves we should educate others on the importance of anti-bias education.

  4. I like that you said to communicate with your colleagues. Believe it or not, sharing ideas in the education field helps a lot and allows individuals to grow!

  5. Hello Jessica, Good luck with Course 6358
