Saturday, October 12, 2013

Communicating in Groups

After learning about the phases of how teams develop, I have reflected on the many teams I have been a part of in my own life. I realized that the hardest good-byes are the teams that made it to the high-performing levels. With those groups, we went though all the stages together. We had our ups (performing) and downs (storming), but we made it through and learned how to function well together.

The hardest team to adjourn would be my current one. I have been wanting to move closer to my family the past few years. Last spring, I decided to apply for some jobs near my family and told my principal that I may be leaving after the past school year. She was very understanding. So I was really excited with the potential of moving closer to home. But then I started thinking about my kindergarten team, the amazing colleagues in my school and how supportive our administrators and community are. That is SO rare. I was driving to school one morning and began to sob in tears thinking about leaving. As soon as I got to school, I went to my principal and told her that I couldn't bear the thought of leaving, so I was going to stay. She was so happy and my kindergarten team literally jumped and screamed in excitement over my decision. It was at that moment, I realized I am going to savor every moment I have at this school before some of us leave. When that time does come, I know it will be very hard to say goodbye because of all that we have been through together.

The job I had before my current one was at a preschool called Primrose Schools. The only reason I left that job was because I could not make a living off of it. I was still living with my parents and looking for a public school job so I could move out and pay my own bills. I worked there for a year and half before I found my current job. On my last day, I remember my boss hugging me tightly and crying. She told me that I was so good with children that she knew I was going to do great things. The owner of Primrose hugged me and actually gave me a gift. It was one of those little wooden angels that was holding book. (Made for teachers.) That gift meant so much to me because she didn't buy gifts for everyone that left. People came and went all the time there, but they knew how much I hated to leave b/c I loved working there. Parents brought me gifts and cards to wish me good luck and telling me thank you for taking such good care of their children. I developed great relationships with the children and families, as well as with my team members I worked with. I went back a few times after I left, but now all the children that I taught have left and are in kindergarten and above now, and most of the co-workers have moved on to new jobs. I tell myself if money wasn't a concern, I would go back to that job in a heartbeat. I loved it so much.

Most of the experiences I have from the teams I was a part of, ended with a ritual of some tears and hugs, going to dinner together or having a goodbye party. I have kept in touch with many of those people through Facebook.

To adjourn from the group of colleagues in the master's program, I think we will all have a time to thank our professors and each other for the support and challenges we overcame. I enjoy reading everyone's blogs and at the end of each course, thanking everyone for reading mine. I believe the adjourning phase is an essential phase of teamwork because it gives you that sense of closure. You won't hang onto any feelings that may have been left unsaid. It also gives people who may have had some negative feelings at one time, a chance to make a mends and move past the conflict they went through.

I can't believe in a just a few more months, we will be nearing the end of the master's program. But I am so excited about my future and the possibilities that lie ahead.


  1. Hi Jessica. This is a story I’m sure you will never forget; moments like the ones you mentioned are ones that truly bring back memories. I know how you felt when you had to leave one job to better yourself financially. My wife went through the same because she chose to leave her job as the asst. administrator at UC Davis Medical center. When we all moved back from Ca, it was hard to adjust, start over and get back on our feet. It took time, team (family) work and the understanding that if we tried, we can do it. Great post, Jessica…Jay

  2. You post was very touching! It is hard to say goodbye when we know we will not see people again. Have you kept in touch with the people at Primrose? Are you close enough that you can stop in for visits? There is always facebook, emails, blogs, and other ways to stay in touch. We can always make new friends, but keeping in touch with the old ones is priceless.

  3. Jessica,
    Your story tugged my heartstrings, I remember leaving the school I LOVED and LEARNED. I cried at the steps at the church hugging and kissing all the children and families until the last one left. I did go visit to and the children have moved on, and few of my colleagues. I walked the halls into my old classroom and choked on some tears. Goodbyes are so hard. Great post.


  4. I am in the same situation that you are. I really want to be closer to my family and can move at anytime but I can bare to think about leaving my school, colleagues and friends behind. I honestly believe that they are the reason that I moved out to Vegas. I have to agree with you hat they hardest goodbye rituals are the ones that end with tears. It means that you formed a great bond and memories that can't be replaced. I am definitely not looking forward to the day that I do decide to move home.

  5. Jessica,
    It has been such a pleasure getting to know you over the past year. You have many great perspectives on the wide variety of topics we have covered together, and I can tell that you have a real passion for the work that you do with children. I encourage you to continue to follow your heart, trust your instincts, and keep learning! I wish you the best of luck as you move into your specialization area and know that you will continue to succeed!
