Saturday, June 14, 2014

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

  1. UNICEF's website explains that they are deeply committed to creating a world in which all children, regardless of their gender, socio-economic background or circumstances, have access to free, compulsory and quality education. UNICEF’s mandate to serve the most marginalized populations also focuses special attention on girls, who are the largest group excluded from education. Across the globe, UNICEF is committed to nothing less than full and complete access to free, quality education for every girl and boy. Universal access to quality education is not a privilege – it is a basic human right.
  2. ISSA’s website states that their vision is a society where families, communities and professionals work together to empower each child to reach her or his full potential and embrace values of social justice and equity. ISSA's mission is to support professional communities and develop a strong civil society that influences and assists decision makers to: provide high quality care and educational services for all children from birth through primary school (birth through 10 years old), with a focus on the poorest and most disadvantaged. To ensure greater inclusion of family and community participation in children's development and learning. To ensure social inclusion and respect for diversity
  3. According to the UNESCO website, UNESCO’s mission is to contribute to the building of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication and information.  Some of their goals are:
On the UNICEF website, the only job that interests me is developing and implementing Education programme(s) to ensure overall efficiency and effectiveness, and accomplishment of programme goals and objectives. Key areas include: Girls’ Education, Education in Emergencies and Post. They also ask one to be fluent in french and local working language. I don't really qualify for this job based on these facts alone, but it would definitely be a cool experience!


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  2. Hi Jessica. UNICEF is an extraordinary organization globally and I have had the opportunity to meet a couple of volunteers when my country, the Philippines, was devastated by the worst tropical hurricane in that part of the world. UNICEF is undoubtedly a blessing when it comes to aid to other countries, just like the Red Cross and Salvation Army. The only difference is that UNICEF helps families and children establish life as it is - - education, benefits and hope...Jay
