Saturday, September 29, 2012

Week 4: ECE Quotes

Excerpts from writings of each of the two people I identified for my Discussion assignment this week:

"Most primary school teachers would probably agree that they don't expect kindergartners to enter first grade with a complete mastery of spelling and addition. After all, it is in the early elementary grades when children learn these academic competencies. However, teachers of entering school-agers do hope that the children who come into their classrooms can concentrate, pay attention, and be considerate of others. These areas are developed not by using flashcards or computer programs, but through interacting with peers during play." -Dr. Elena Bodrova & Dr. Deborah J. Leong in Why Children Need to Play (Scholastic Early Childhood Today, Sept. 20, 2005; 20, 1; Proquest Central pg. 6

"Research comparing half-day and full-day kindergarten strongly suggests children benefit more from a full-day kindergarten. Full-day kindergartners are more prepared for school: they do better with the transition to first grade, show significant gains in school socialization, and are equipped with stronger learning skills. These children have enhanced social, emotional, and behavior development, and equally important, reduced retention and remediation rates."-Marian Wright Edelman in Child Watch Column on October 14, 2011 (Retrieved from:

Quotes about passion, motivation, and wisdom from the professionals in the media segment I watched during Week 2 of the course:

Leticia Lara LCSW, the Regional manager of Outreach and Professional Development ZERO TO THREE stated “When I think of the word “passion” and the meaning to the word “passion”, what comes to mind are: What are my values? What are my beliefs? What are the ideas that lead me to action? What do I do so naturally that perhaps seems natural to me but may be challenging to others? What’s in my heart? I also want to say that my passion has been evolving through the years. It’s an ongoing process. It’s like a ripple. You throw a little rock and you have sort of the center- but it grows” (The Passion for Early Childhood)

Sandy Escobido, the Deputy Field Director for the Los Angeles Preschool Advocacy Initiative CA Community Foundation said “We as professionals in the early childhood field have an opportunity to shape a child’s life for the better...”

Note: Add additional quotes and excerpts you find inspiring to this section of your blog as you proceed through this course and your program of study.


  1. I truly have to ask myself those same questions. It helps me to put things in their proper perspective. I love the quotes you chose!!!!!

  2. I especially love your first quote about the importance of well-developed social skills being as much of a priority as strong academic curriculum in early childhood education. I have so many parents who are mostly concerned with the extent that their children will be prepared academically and I hope that I can guide them to see the bigger picture- that we are working to provide experiences that will help develop well rounded children who can read and add and also work together. It's like ok your 4 1/2 year old is a fluent reader, but he can't put on his own shoes or even dress independently after using the bathroom and his hasn't demonstrated the ability to initiate play with other children or participate in pretend play...There's a pretty big discrepancy in his cognition and mastery of skills in other developmental domains. Being a reader is great, but being well-rounded is better! Just a little vent!
